There are several laser eye surgery types. We can also use PRK to treat these conditions. Essentially, both types achieve the same results. There is no real difference. However, LASIK tends to help people recover much faster than PRK, and bladeless custom LASIK offers some personalization and the perception of safety that many patients prefer.
How does LASIK treat refractive errors?
Let’s first look at the most common refractive errors:
Investigators from the U.S. and Germany recently conducted a literature review of 97 peer-reviewed clinical studies of LASIK vision correction that were published between 2008 and 2015.
A total of nearly 68,000 LASIK-treated eyes and 30 different laser systems were included in these studies.
Results of this analysis revealed:
20/20 or better vision was achieved in 90.8 percent of the 56,000 eyes that reported visual acuity data.
99.5 percent of patients could see 20/40 or better without corrective lenses after LASIK.
Overall, 90.9 percent of patients were within 0.5 diopter (D) of the targeted vision correction, and 98 percent were within 1.0 D.
Less than 1 percent of patients lost 2 lines of best-corrected visual acuity on a standard eye chart (among 58,653 procedures reporting these data).
Also, the studies that provided data on patient satisfaction found only 1.2 percent of patients were dissatisfied with their LASIK outcome.
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